The only thing that provides security for the lender is your credit worthiness which is usually determined by your credit score and credit history. A term bond refers to a bond that matures on a single specific date in the future. Collateralized Debt Obligations Cdo Step By Step Guide To How It Works A type of bond that allows the bond issuer to retain the privilege of redeeming it at a pre-specified price at some time prior to its normal maturity date. . A type of bond that allows the bond issuer to retain the privilege of Current yield redeeming it at a pre-specified price at some time prior to its normal maturity date. This doesnt necessarily have to. Investment grade bond The term applied to bonds that are judged by their rating agency as being likely to pay their interest and maturity obligations. The bond as we commonly know it is a senior unsecured debenture. The term used to describe an unsecured or non-collaterali...
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